2018 Spring Cleaning: Clean up these habits to get your goals off the ground!

Winter is coming to an end and spring is near! The beauty of Spring is upon us and has many benefits. The warm weather, beautiful flowers, and the start of a fresh new season. Also with the new season comes spring cleaning! We pick a day out of the season to give our home or office a complete thorough cleaning or an extreme organization. Spring cleaning is used to get a fresh start with a clean space. Not only homes or offices should take advantage of this but in your own personal lives when following goals. Entering the spring of 2018, to follow your goals some habits must be “cleaned up” before you can reach your full potential.

Keeping the past in your head

When following our dreams sometimes we let our heads get in the way. Just like when  trying to clean under the couch. When reaching under your sofa your shoulder prevents you from reaching those though spots. In order to reach and do a great job you move the couch out the way. Same with your goals. Your head is the couch getting in the way of your full potential. We get stuck on thoughts of the past, what we cant do, or the potential failures of going after your dream. Remember your goal and a fresh start is bigger than those non constructive thoughts of progress. Just keep positive thoughts and actions on your way to your dreams.

Procrastinating/Waiting for the right time

If we all waited “the right time” to clean our house no telling how much trash and filth would build up. There’s no exact time or definition for when to schedule your spring cleaning or  your dream or goals. Procrastinating or waiting for the right time will leave you idle in your progression. There is never the right time to follow your goals. Obstacles and interference will always be on the road to success. Going after your goal now is the only time to get it off the ground. Leap into spring with action and don’t hesitate!

Putting to much on your plate  

A bad habit when getting goals off the ground is putting to much on your plate. If you have a lot of cleaning to do around the house, it can be overwhelming. When being overwhelmed people tend to quit and get frustrated with the load of work they have to do. Taking steps at a time will not over crowd your plate and give you that activation energy you need to complete the overall task at hand.  When going after your goal don’t try to accomplish everything all at one time.  Just like a buffet, take your time the first go around and  that way you will have room for more later.


Spring Cleaning doesn’t have to be a dreaded list of chores. It can be a rewarding experience that helps provide some structure and organization in your life. Just like your goals get some structure and organization to take advantage of the rewarding experiences to come.