If you want results with your goals. Set standards!


We all want to start the year off right. We set goals, change habits, and start looking into providing more value in our lives for the months ahead. These things are very important but to sustain this momentum  it comes with a price. Setting standards. When following your goals you got to have a good foundation to build on. Setting or raising standards is that foundation you need to sustain those good habits, actions, and growth. When we have high standards for whatever we do in life, it tells the world that you refuse to settle for less. It can range from  relationships, careers, businesses, attitudes, behaviors, health etc.. All areas of your life should come with a certain standard to be successful. 


Chick-fil-A’s is known for its standard of great customer service. Walmart standard is selling a variety of items at a low cost.  When going to Chick-fil-A you don’t seek chicken sandwiches being sold at a low cost. You pay a little bit more for the great standard of customer service. 


Having high standards will only attract high results, people with high standards, and a feeling of accomplishment. No matter the circumstances your standard keeps you grounded and focus. I challenge you to look in all areas of your life and reflect on what standards are you setting. Identify what your standards are and be the living example of your greatness.