Guilt & Worry: Why you need to get rid of both right now!


Throughout life, the two most futile emotions are guilt for what has been done and worry about what might be done. As we continue to strive for success, these two emotions can get in the way of our progress. Feeling guilty about something in the past will disable your present. Decisions that were made, people you cut off, or  events or actions that didn’t go your way can make you feel guilty in your present moment. Leave guilt where it should be. THE PAST! No amount of guilt will change history. We grow up thinking if we are not guilty we are considered “bad” or “not caring.” By shifting responsibility backwards you not only avoid the hard work of changing yourself for NOW, but you put control of your future in the hands of people, places, and things that don’t matter. 

Worry is just the opposite. Worry is defined as being immobilized in the present as a result of things that are going to or not going to happen in the future. When we worry we take away from our present moment.  Following goals requires you to be in the present moment, tackling those small steps that build a bright future. If your constantly worried about the outcome, it takes away from a focus on getting the job done today. Not one moment of worry will make things better. Much of your worry comes from things you can’t control. Illness, war, the economy, other people, etc… As an individual you have little control of those things but you can control on what’s going on right now! 


Guilt (Past)                                  (Future)       Worry