Why finding your MUSE is all the motivation you need with your goals!

Motivation come and go. It’s hard to stay motivated when life starts to hit you. Bills, unreliable people, or other factors that stop you from working on yourself. Motivation is cool when you need a jump start  but it shouldn’t be used to sustain that energy. Over time you have to find your muse.The definition of a muse is a spirit or force that inspires you. What or who  inspires you to be creative? 


 People think you have to be an artist to have a muse but creativity is needed in all aspects of life. When things are getting rough, you got to be creative in your approach when finding a solution. Even when pursuing something new, you have to find creative ways to make it happen. Connecting with your muse(or what inspires you)  keeps you focus on moving forward with your goal and can be found in a number of ways. This can be talking to friends or family members that inspire you, listening or reading positive words that get you pumped up, or doing something that brings out your creativity. While motivation gets you started, your muse will keep you on track.  We all lose motivation at times but our muse gives us a chance to win.