Lets take a lesson from Nashville and build!

Nashville has been a city of major growth for the past few years. I know because I’ve lived  it! Rent, traffic, jobs, culture, etc..  has made a substantial jump from good ole country living to big city surviving. The growth can be intimidating but overall there is always a silver lining to the future of Nashville. Instead of living in fear and shrinking to the opportunity, it’s a time to be courageous and build!  Nashville was tired of being complacent and put emphasis on knowing they had something valuable to offer to the world. As we adapt to the prosperity of Nashville,lets take a look at ourselves and see how we can add value to our lives and situation. We all have something that we can build that will take us to the next level in relationships, money, skill, health and focus Before you make your exit plan out of  Nashville, take a lesson from its growth and recognize what make you valuable to the world.