Let that hurt go: How to forgive and get to your goals


Forgiveness sucks! Being the victim of inconsiderate behavior and having to forgive that person is not always the first choice to healing. We have all been wronged by others and it has left a ugly scare of mistrust, anger, and defeat.  Forgiveness sucks because in a perfect world, everyone would stand up to their wrong doings, make things better, and earn trust back. Unfortunately, we live in a world where the ball of forgiveness is ALWAYS in our court and regardless of the other parties actions we are left to either forgive or hold a grudge. 


I say it’s time to let that hurt go and live! The instinctive reaction after being hurt is to fight back or just hold a grudge. Although you may get temporary relie,f this stunts your growth for your goals and dreams. The person you want to become requires focus, good energy, and using every second of time to your advantage. Holding on to hurt creates cloudy judgement when building new relationships and meeting new people who want to see you win . The healing power of forgiveness helps you release negative and poisons emotions which you don’t need when working on your goals. 


When a situation is needing forgiveness aries, image the whole problem in terms of forgiveness. Visualize the broken relationship healed and let your imagination run wild with all the extra energy for your goals and dreams. Continue to carry yourself with grace, divinity, and do not let hurt stop you from your goal.  



Reference: Peele, Norman V 1982 How to make positive imaging work for you. Pawling New,York Fleming H. Revell Company